Delete all entries who type is MicrosoftOffice.

Delete all entries for your Exchange account.

If prompted, in the Password: text box, type your password.Choose File | Account Settings | Account Settings.Verify that prompt for Credentials isn’t checked in profile:.If prompted again after Cancel, move on to step 3. Be sure to use when prompted for your Outlook credentials and check the " remember credentials" box.Try logging into OWA? If you can log into OWA, then try restarting Outlook.It will run diagnostics and attempt to fix the issue. If the steps below don't work, download and install the Microsoft Support and Recovery Tool. In this case, please contact your local ITS Support Team or the ITS Help Desk. In some cases, you may need administrative rights to update these settings. If you are continually being prompted for your password in Outlook try the steps below, one at a time, to resolve the issue.